Calming & Relaxation Techniques and Listening Skills to Help You Today

Tips & Techniques to Help You

When you feel anxious, scared, panicked or out of control there are many things you can do to help yourself cope. A common and natural response is to avoid what triggers these unwanted emotions, so we have provided a few calming soothing video links to help you try a few exercises and listening information below. These are not guaranteed to heal, soothe or calm you, just a few methods that may help if you need a reference or are looking for something soothing in those emotional moments. 

Listening to calming music and watching calming fish can help soothe anxiety and promote good rest at bedtime. Enjoy this soothing video.

Credit: AMBY relaxing music aquarium

Children need relaxing moments to rest and reset. This can promote healthy listening skills, good rest at bedtime. Enjoy this soothing video.


Learning how to breathe and calm yourself in stressful situations can be very helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. You can follow these steps in this video from the American Lung Association to help feel better when things feel out of control. Enjoy this soothing instructional video. 

Credit: American Lung Association